CRM in Inbox list

 In the email Inbox list when a CRM is attached to an email, a message box icon will apear next to the email address.

 CRM Inbox list 

When clicking the message icon, an Info pop-up pag will appear where you can see all the CRM's set for that specific email address and who has the reminders assigned.

When adding a CRM with/without reminder alert it will be associated to email address (not to email id= aparticular email) -> when you open an email you can see all reminders no matter to which received email was added.

You can also add more CRM's/reminders by clicking [Manage] and delete the existing ones by clicking the bin icon.

 CRM Inbox Rem

When clicking [Manage] the following pop-up page will appear where you can add new CRM Comments and reminders, setting the desired date and assigning them.

CRM Comm