
What are blocks?

Blocks are used to compose email responses.
If you are using EmailTree for the first time and need to respond to your clients, you can learn how to use Blocks of the text so you can quickly respond to emails.
Instead of typing emails manually, EmailTree.AI uses blocks of text for composing emails faster.
Rearrange, remove or add new ones as you wish.
When you open a message (message view), a summary of the message is visible on the left panel. Emailtree will help you understand from a glance the context of the message. If needed, you can easily assign the conversation to another team member from Assign to droplist.

Where to find and create blocks?

By clicking Blocks from the main menu bar, you will open the blocks page.
You will find all the answering blocks that have been created in EmailTree on this page.
Details such as various types of blocks, available languages, the latest edit on the block, and its usage will be displayed.

How to create a new block?

1) On the blocks page, click “Add new block
2) Add the title and content
3) Select the language you require
4) Choose a tag for each channel that you will be using
5) Clicking Create/Save creates your block. The block's ID will be visible when you open the block from the list of blocks.

How to use the blocks once created?

It's simple! Just like a jigsaw puzzle, a group block forms the response. In message view, blocks help to draft the response fast. You can do it manually (Normal reply) or train EmailTree (Smart reply) to suggest responses as groups of blocks.

When using Smart Reply, if they are not in the suggested list, you can quickly add them directly to the response group using search.
The search bar allows you to find a specific block using words from the block's content, title, or ID number.

Modify the order of the blocks by simply dragging them to the desired position. The block's content, visible on the right side, will be moved accordingly to the list.

Modify the block content
You can edit a block, and by changing and saving its content, the block's content will remain modified for future usage.
Any modification on the right side, the one you use to compose the response, will not affect the original block.
When a block does not exist, you can create it straight from the compose view by clicking the "New Block" button and follow the same procedure as before