Training History

Browse to the top toolbar and click on the Training History button (please see the image below), then select the language.

Delete email from Training History

By deleting an id from Training History it will no longer influence the future suggestions that the application will provide for a similar email.
From the displayed list choose the id that you would like to delete and click on the “Bin” icon on the right side of the view.

Training History New
On each of the trained emails an id number is assigned.

Under the Text column you will see the trained email and details about:

  • Assigned User
  • Start of the Training Process
  • Response Duration
  • Suggested Section
  • Chosen Suggestion
  • Dropdown list with Suggestions

Under the Response column you will see the blocks used to reply. If you click on the blocks you will see a pop-up window with the reply email.

Under the Section column you will see the name of the assigned section.